Uber Drivers: Looking to Ensure Income During the Coronavirus Pandemic? Here’s What is in Demand Right Now!

Coronavirus Uber Driver Resource Guide

With the the outbreak of the Coronavirus and its unprecedented effects on our country, rideshare drivers relying on Uber or Lyft for their primary income are in a precarious position. This is mainly due to the fact that Uber and Lyft drivers are independent contractors and are not considered eligible for benefits such as paid sick leave or unemployment. So drivers are left with two undesirable options: drive and risk exposure to the coronavirus or stay at home and miss out on that all important income as bill envelopes stack up on their kitchen table.

So what are Uber drivers to do to earn income during the Coronavirus pandemic?

We’ve decided to put together a one-stop post dedicated to providing the latest income opportunities for those who currently and previously made income as a rideshare driver.

Consider doing delivery like Postmates, UberEats, etc.

During this time of social distancing, people around the U.S. are staying home. Less grocery shopping and less eating out. Naturally, restaurants have seen a decline in business and are relying now more than ever on delivery programs to serve hungry patrons. If you’re looking for an additional form of income to supplement rideshare, consider also driving for the following delivery companies (availability in your area may vary):

Consider traditional options from companies looking to meet coronavirus related demand

There’s been a huge shift across our country. Essential versus non-essential is the name of the game at the moment. If you are need income, please do consider seeking a job with one of the following companies (availability varies based on the area you reside):

Coronavirus Resources and Updates from Uber:

Coronavirus Resources and Updates from Lyft:



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